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‘I sometimes reflect bitterly on friends that I have lost. In some cases, I broke things off with them, and in others we drifted apart.’
Le quintuple mariage est la traduction du conte placé en neuvième position du Wushengxi heji 無聲戲合集 (Éditions combinées des Comédies silencieuses) conservé de manière lacunaire à l’Université de Pékin et de sa réédition sous le titre de Lianchengbi quanji 連城璧全集 … Continuer la lecture →
Silk-and-bamboo, Shanghai: teahouse 1987, conservatoire 2024. Frank Kouwenhoven always writes engagingly about Chinese music. In the recent CHIME Newsletter (38; subscribe here) he contributes seve…
West gates on the 1909 map. “With most of the population living in the city’s east, a single west-facing gate was sufficient. Officially named Ceremonial Phoenix Gate ( Yifengmen 仪凤门), it was built in 1553, and according to existing photographs, it was quite substantial. As Macfarlane (1881)…
During our latest trip to the beautiful island of Gulangyu / 鼓浪屿 also called Kulangsu, in Xiamen / 厦门, I realized that my first trip there was exactly 20 years before. Things have changed on the island, but I still love going there. My first ever trip to Gulangyu was in the first days of … Continue reading 20 years of Gulangyu
Un proverbe chinois dit "Pour le bien être, rien ne vaut d’être allongé et pour la bonne chère, rien ne vaut un jiaozi". Ce Jiaozi, 饺子, le ravioli chinois, est le mets incontournable de toutes les tables chinoises lors du nouvel an. Originaire du nord...